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Jesus works miracles

Praise the Lord,

I would like to share this small incident, which happen in just

My son Zee Shawn was sick and admitted in hospital for around 7days. Normally the hospital charges a small fee for the stay.

The honest truth was that, I was having insufficient money and was wondering how we are going to manage.

Anyway I gave all that I had to my husband and told him to go and pay the fees, and then I sat back with my son on my lap sleeping and putting my hand to my face and asking the Divine mercy to help me out in this situation. It was around the 3 O’Clock pray time.My request to the Divine mercy.
a. Please work a miracle.
b. Please help me – The admission office should not charge anything and to save me from this bill.

My dear brother and sisters you will not believe. My husband came back after 20minutes, I asked him what was the bill amount he told me it was much more. (Just to worry me) I was very dis-appointed & Sad too.

But after few seconds he gave me back all the money I gave him and he told THE BILL WAS TOTALLY FREE. I just could not believe and I just called out to my Divine mercy and
thanked him so much.

I told this incident to my husband all my friends,

My brother and sister, only prayers can help us in time of trouble and struggle.

Praise God.

Markeita Thomas

Chaplet Tracker